


That pretty much sums up my whole state right now. I am halfway through everything that I do--everything from acads (I've finished with that decor-from-old-cds actual project but haven't done the paperwork and finished the notes on that article, yes, only the notes) to my online life (halfway through fixing the clansite and my target level for the hawker) and stuff. I just need that final push to get to the finish line; but that almost never arrives on time, except for the acads. Plus the so-called Christmas rush is starting--Lola's starting to fuss about wht to serve for the family reunion and I've got to run some errands tomorrow.

It's odd, actually, I know I've got time to do everything, but I feel that in the end I won't have any. And even if I try to start now, it ends as a half-baked attempt at what it's supposed to be, then I'd throw it in the trash bin and start again. Again.

Like this blog. Probably the story of my life. Start, stop halfway, restart.

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