

a bit jaded

I am driving myself into the ground. Been up since 5am this morning, and only had a wink of sleep around 7am-ish while stuck in traffic. And I can't really stop; my mind is still damn awake and I'm past the threshold of sleep.

So I compose a little mental to-do list and posting it so it'd be final--

To-do list:
>Greenhills tom. for Geog 1
>Sunday: movie marathon with mom
>Archaeo 2 article review on Tues.
>several Deutsch worksheets for Monday
>and several more writing jobs (indefinite)
>and also a new skin (until I get an idea)

Then add my cold that's not going away. I should really go and seek medical help since it's already a week, but then I have no time. Or rather I have time but I'd rather spend it somewhere doing something else.

Never got to send an entry to the Catharsis contest. Had started on a poem earlier in the day, about 2 lines, which is enough to get the ball rolling, but other more important matters like class intruded my self-induced trance-like state. Oh well there's always next year. I hope.

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