

of casts and napkins--a girlish rant

My cast got yanked off earlier after tempers flew--apparently those clinic staff didn't list my appointment, and my ortho who was currently down with the flu had to drive from Bulacan to Megamall just to remove it since we're already there, which shows how good as a doctor he really is. And yes that was a very long run-on sentence, but since I'm rushing I'm going into my "hell with grammar" mode again. With that cast off, all I have to contend with is 2 weeks' worth of theraphy (one on Wednesday again, which again removes my play/work time, and means that I'll be back to almost sleepless nights again).

And to contend with my period which conveniently decided to start today, too. x_x Since earlier my foot was still in the cast, after a quick shower, I was about to dress up when I noticed (since I was still unable to walk that morning and I was just in a towel) that there were no napkins around. My grandmother, of course, didn't have any, and my mom and aunt were both upstairs.

So I had no choice but to bloody yell my heart out for either my mom or aunt, and to my utter frustration, my mom was still taking a bath and my aunt was just dressing up.

My grandmother came, though, and my grandfather. But since my grandmother wasn't able to climb the stairs (well according to her, but she's well enough), my grandfather asked me what I needed upstairs. And I told him I needed a napkin, forgetting the facts that a) Some men still don't know what those are for and b) My grandfather was born before those were invented, which further complicates the issue. So all I get is a blank stare.

Thank goodness our maid, Ate Mely, comes to the rescue, and she was able to procure not just one but two napkins from my aunt before I had to yell again for napkins and shatter the imagined peace of the neighborhood.

So all's well that end's well, for now. The real battle begins tomorrow, when the deluge of schoolwork drowns me--and I can barely swim.

1 comment:

Reginald said...

I found the entry interesting for some reason and couldn't help but reread it every time I visit. Weird.

Oh and I accidentally clicked e-mail. Don't mind that. My bad.