


Since Neopets is down for maintenance (?!) I might as well post something here for the meantime. The last ep of God, Inc. has been released, and it's the best ep of the series. There are now plans to pitch it as a TV series; I do hope it does make it into the mainstream, although I'd expect another barrage of complaints and whatnot from those fundamentalists if it does push through.

Nothing much really happened on Valentine's, as expected. What I'm waiting for is tomorrow--one of the last concerts for this year's UP Fair, and Sam and I are going. Before that, I'll be going to Balara to start on that love story (again with Mark aka that koreanovela addict). Things have slowed down a bit, but not quite--there are still some stuff to be done, but those could still wait. After all, cramming sometimes works wonders for me.

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