


Just to keep my sanity while writing those one-paragraph critiques for CW100 (and yes, I was pretty busy this weekend), I finally succumbed to the lure of plurking (see little widget below the shoutbox at right). That doesn't mean that I'll be abandoning this blog; on the contrary, I'll use it as my corkboard of sorts for random ideas that are too short to put up on the blog, or good phrases that I want to keep for later.

I'm also planning to start on the 140-character flash fics/poetry on Plurk (because of the 140-character limit that they have when, well, plurking)--thanks to Jojo for the idea. 8-> So far I haven't thought of anything yet, but well, I'll try to get there--it's something different from just asking questions and stuff on your Plurk. :)

Now to go back to the poem I'm supposed to submit tomorrow. @_@

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